Is manual therapy - the most effective method of rehabilitation?

Date of publication: sobota, 30 styczeń 2021
Is manual therapy - the most effective method of rehabilitation?

Manual therapy is a method of physiotherapy that uses a whole range of techniques, grips and patient positions. He uses diagnostic and therapeutic techniques to detect the causes and develop treatment methods for diseases of the spine and the locomotor system. It is recognized as the most effective method of rehabilitation. It positively influences the improvement of mobility in the joints and the reduction or even elimination of pain.

Manual therapy, unlike conventional treatment, is one of the methods of physiotherapy and, at the same time, holistic therapy, the aim of which is not only to temporarily relieve ailments, but also to improve the patient's health in the long term. This is done by unblocking the joints or parts of the spine and restoring normal mobility in the treated areas.

Hands, touch and various types of pressure are used for diagnosis and treatment. Manual therapy is sometimes referred to as chiropractic, but unlike chiropractic, it is based on a solid medical basis and knowledge of the anatomy of the body.

Manual therapy in locomotor system dysfunctions is carried out on a special table. It resembles a couch or massage table. Correct position of the patient is very important during treatment. The therapist performs certain hand pressures and thrusts in designated places near the diseased area in order to restore the proper alignment of displaced or blocked structures. All soft tissues are compressed: skin, muscles, ligaments, nerves and tendons. Manual therapy of the spine consists in restoring the vertebrae and discs (intervertebral discs) to their proper place.

  • Manual therapy is recommended when the following occur:
  • pains, for example, in the spine;
  • degeneration and curvature of the spine;
  • postural defects and neuralgia, fatigue, insufficient sleep.

The therapist achieves the goal by compressing and massaging the tissues lying near the spine. Joint manipulations are to lead to the unblocking of the tense muscle first, and then the joint. To this end, the therapist warms up the blocked muscle by pressing, kneading and stretching the painful area at different angles. When the lock releases, the muscle is placed in the correct position.

Techniques in manual therapy

Transverse massage - consists in grinding the tissues in the transverse direction to the arrangement of the muscle fibers, ligaments or the attachment of the muscle to the bone. The aim is to improve blood circulation and mobility, reduce pain and stimulate anti-inflammatory processes.
Functional massage - movement in the joint is combined with massage and stretching of the muscle connected with the joint. It is performed on the most relaxed muscles. Movement in the opposite direction to that normally experienced by the muscle being treated is performed by the therapist without patient intervention. The goal is to loosen and relax the tissues.
Deep tissue massage - it is a very subtle massage, performed with slow movements, which causes elongation, relaxation and stretching of muscles and tendons. Its purpose is to relax the vegetative nervous system, reduce pain, restore better posture and fluidity of movements, and improve body flexibility by changing the structure and limitations of muscle mobility and connective tissue elements.
Stretching - involves stretching one muscle or group of muscles. The patient first tightens his muscles. After relaxing them, the therapist stretches them.
Neuromobilization - consists in direct action on the nervous system by "pulling" the nerve, that is, tensing or activating it by performing appropriate combinations of movements and settings. The goal is to improve flexibility and mobility of the treated nerve. By this stimulation of nerve conduction processes and stimulation of better tissue healing.
Joint manipulation - also known as chiropractic, is a method of quickly activating a blocked joint (often accompanied by a clicking or crunching sound).
Mobilization - activity aimed at ensuring smooth movement of joints and improving or increasing mobility in the joint.

Due to the fact that manual therapy is a method that treats the body and the treatment process holistically, patients also receive recommendations for home gymnastics and information on a healthy lifestyle.